Japanese bobtail kittenscat breeders list
If you are looking for Japanese Bobtail Kittens or cats then look no further.
Whilst this is a rare cat breed with very few Japanese Bobtail cat breeders foundinternationally, we have a comprehensive list of breeders to assist youin finding your perfect kitten.
When you buy a kittenfrom a reputable cat breeder, they will insist that you sign a contractwith strict, but warranted rules attached.
This contract protects you,the kitten and the breeder as it guarantees the health of your newkitten and may even include a money-back guarantee.
Bona fide cat breederswill only let their kittens go to homes after 12 weeks and will ensurethat their kittens are healthy, de-wormed and have received theirvaccinations.
You maywant to do some research about the breed before taking the plunge, ifso, take a look at this extensive cat profile about Japanese Bobtail cats.
This cat is linked to many myths and legends and is revered by theJapanese people.
Japanese Bobtail Cat Breeders - Australia
New South Wales | siameseandbobtailcats.com | Trilian Japanese Bobtail Cats |
Japanese Bobtail Kittens for Sale - Europe and Asia
Denmark | bobtail.dk | Timians"s Japanese Bobtail |
Cat Breeders - United States of America
California | janipurr.com | Janipurr Japanese Bobtails |
japanesebobtailkittens.com | Cacin Japanese Bobtails | |
Colorado | kiddlyn.com | Kiddlyn Japanese Bobtails |
Florida | alirosecats.com | Alirose Cats |
Idaho | samizcats.com | Samiz Japanese Bobtail Cats |
Illinois | angelfire.com/il3/jakoi | Ja-Koi Japanese Bobtails |
Kentucky | imagineltdcattery.com | Imagine Ltd Cattery |
New Hampshire | chatange.net | Chatange |
Oregon | kurisumasu.org | Kurissumasu Bobtail Cats |
Pennsylvania | karolcattery.com | Karol Cattery |
Virginia | catchicats.com | Cat-Chi Cats |
Washington State | home.comcast.net/~lkksmith | Kenipurr Japanese Bobtails |
Wisconsin | senanbobtails.com | Senan Japanese Bobtails |
© Larry Johnson Photography
There areother cat breeds with bobtails - the Kurilian Bobtail cat, the Manx Cat(and Cymric), the Pixie Bob and the American Bobtail cat.
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