Ever wanted to teach your dog to wave? Here’s how!

You&rsquo-ve seen your friend&rsquo-s dog wave and since then you have wanted to teach your dog how to wave, the problem is you don&rsquo-t know how to. Well, worry no more because in this article we will discuss how to teach your dog to wave goodbye. Also, a video located at the end of this article will show you how to teach the trick. Before you start teaching your pup to wave you will need a clicker (to mark that your pup did something good or right) and small treats for rewards. Make sure that the treats you&rsquo-re going to reward them is their favorite. Andrea Arden, professional dog trainer, said in the video that &ldquo-the easiest to teach your dog to wave goodbye is by teaching them first to do a high five.”

How to teach your dog to wave goodbye

  1. Armed with a clicker (on one hand) and treats, you can sit or stand in front of your pooch. Then hold a treat inside of your hand by making a fist. Canines will paw at your hand most of the time because they think that there&rsquo-s something in it (treat). Make sure that your fist is at a normal height that your pup can reach. Once his paw touched your hand mark and give him a treat and click the clicker. Repeat it a few times.
  2. Next step is switch into an empty hand signal, no more treat inside your fist. Just simply put your hand up in the air like a &ldquo-high five&rdquo- signal. When your pup touched your hand, you can mark and give him a treat. Once he masters the high five trick, you can then start working on making it a wave.
  3. To transition the high five to a wave, simply put your hand a little bit out of your dog&rsquo-s reach. Every time your pup tries to reach for your hand (his paw up), he is waving. Once he masters that, you can add a cue like bye or hi. Say the cue word first then do the hand signal. Repeat it until your pup masters the trick.

Note: Some dogs don&rsquo-t go for your hand and if you encounter the same problem, try using a paw pod or any object that they like.

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