What we’re obsessed with: keep calm and carry on gets completely catty
Surely you’ve encountered “Keep Calm and Carry On” merchandise in your travels, but do you know where the iconic phrase first originated? According to sources, it was taken from a propaganda poster created by the British government at the start of World War II, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of an invasion.
The now ubiquitous phrase was mostly unknown until the year 2000, when it was rediscovered at a second-hand bookshop called Barter Books. Since the copyright was long expired, the store’s owners began to reprint copies at the request of their customers, and the message spread like wildfire inside and outside of Britain. Today, the phrase can be found almost everywhere, and modified to fit almost any interest, including feline. Whether you’re a fan of Hello Kitty, Nyan Cat, or just enjoy the relaxing effects of a sweet purring kitten, here are seven creative ways to keep calm while expressing your love for cats.
Keep Calm and Sing Soft Kitty
“Big Bang Theory” fans take note: What better way to inspire a relaxed state of mind than buy invoking the “Soft Kitty” song Sheldon urges Penny to sing to make him feel better? The sweet kitty ditty was an immediate sensation when it first appeared on the show back in 2008, inspiring recurring appearances and a wave of t-shirts and fan art in its wake. You can sing along for yourself, or there’s even an official Soft Kitty Singing Collectible Plush that will serenade you with the squeeze of its paw.
Even British propaganda isn’t safe from the clutches of Nyan Cat, who recently celebrated a year (and almost 70 million views) on the web. It’s up for debate if his infectious song will calm your nerves or drive you certifiably insane, but paws up to the creative genius behind this clever version of the famous poster.
Keep Calm and Kitty On
Hello Kitty has her paws in everything these days, so it’s no surprise she would claw her way into the “Keep Calm” craze. The tiny white cat is an inspiration to women (and men) of all ages, and her ability to speak from the heart encourages many to keep calm and persevere in the face of adversity.
Keep Cats and Kitty On
One of my favorite picks for most stylish “Keep Calm” spin-offs is the “Keep Cats and Kitty On” line by Cathy Peng. All cats, all the time, indeed!
Keep Calm and Purr On
For tabbies with a stiff upper lip, who know that there’s no reason to panic as long as there’s food in their bowl and an open sunbeam to sleep in.
Keep Calm and Love Cats
Perhaps the quintessential cat-ified version of the famous phrase is my favorite because it’s so simple, yet true. There’s absolutely nothing in the world that a cat can’t fix, so when the going gets tough, remember that a little feline TLC is all you need to get through.
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