What They Are Like to Live With
Calm and composed, a Manx tends to bond closely with one person or the entire family. Not a good choice for highly mobile people as this breed does not like being relocated to different homes. But be aware that this is a speedster who is capable of making hairpin turns during play. Look up if you can’t find your Manx – this breed likes to supervise household activities from top shelves or on top of doors.
Things You Should Know
The Manx usually won’t turn down an invitation to play fetch with you.
This breed tends to shadow favorite people in every room of the house.
It is considered a hardy breed, not subject to many genetic health conditions.
Shorthaired types require very little grooming care, but the longhaired ones do benefit by being brushed two or three times a week.
Manx History
This cat’s mysterious beginnings are anything but boring. One popular myth is that the Manx was late getting onto Noah’s ark and Noah accidentally slammed the door on its tail. Another popular folklore speaks of Manx cats swimming ashore from the wrecked galleon of the Spanish Armada in 1588. But the more commonly accepted theory is that this breed originated on the Isle of Man, located off the coast of England, several hundred years ago.
Ranked as one of the world’s oldest breeds, the Manx has been competing for show honors in the Cat Fanciers Association since the 1920s. However, despite achieving popularity in Great Britain since the 1870s, the Manx is not recognized by British cat show officials.
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