I can no longer imagine life without a cat

After having lived with a cat for just a few short years, I can’t imagine ever going back.

Sound dramatic? Not likely if you’ve ever lived with one or two or more before!

Cats are like a warm presence in your home that keeps you from ever feeling completely alone. How could you possibly feel completely alone when there’s always a furry little feline right around the corner?

That feeling of coming home to be greeted by a furball happy to have you back – not just reserved for dog people. A lot of cats actually give you a warm welcome home as well. And it’s one of the best feelings in the world to be greeted at your own door.

No, cat’s aren’t the most dependent pets in the world, but that makes it feel like when they do come to snuggle or show their affection, it’s because they really want to, and not just because that’s how they’re wired to act.

cant-live-without-a-cat-ever-againPicture from post Spending Time with Sammy

Not to say that a dog’s form of love and affection is sub par- just to say – there are many reasons you can grow to appreciate a cat’s flavour of affection just the same as a dog’s, even though cats will never be as doting.

While cats may not always be the most snuggly pet in the world – they make absolutely excellent company regardless.

If you’ve ever tried to drown your sorrow with the company of a cat, you’ll realize how much easier it is to do than you might think. No words necessary – just their presence, and maybe a stroke or two.

It might not happen overnight, but once you do finally build a bond with a kitty, it’s usually a very strong one.

They are more than just company. Coming home to a cat is coming home to family. A family that will never judge you and will always be there when you need them.

They are the perfect friends. Never taking advantage (okay maybe a little with the treats), never intentionally doing any harm.

I can’t imagine living without at least one furry feline in my life again.

Without a kitty – there’d be something important missing.

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