Why you being happy is essential for your dog’s health

2012 Sydney Royal Easter Show

Believe it or not, your dog is a sponge. That may sound silly, but you need to hear us out. What we mean by that is, your dog pretty much only hangs out with you (and the rest of your family or whomever you have around the most). That dog is also limited in scope to what it is exposed to. When we say that your dog is a sponge, we don&rsquo-t just mean food. He mean that your dog picks up on the energy YOU give off. Honestly, you being happy is essential for your dog&rsquo-s health.

Yes, we literally mean health. Dogs are very emotive animals, and can easily fall into a depression. There are some dogs whose depression can be so bad, it can kill them. You all have heard the stories of dogs dying of broken hearts after their masters may have passed on unexpectedly. They are obviously very intuitive and sensitive animals. For that reason, if you bound around the house always mad and angry don&rsquo-t you realize that your dog is picking up on that and it may potentially affect the dog&rsquo-s health?

The dog doesn&rsquo-t have a crew it can go hang out with when the energy around the house is bad. Your dog does not have a girlfriend or boyfriend they can go stay with when you are being unpleasant. They are forced to stay around you and (like we said) sponge off that. Now are you starting to understand our angle here? See, we told you we made sense, you just gotta give us a chance.

So, in essence, you being happy is essential to your dog&rsquo-s health. If you feel yourself getting angry or frustrated, be aware of that and try to tone it down. You are your dog&rsquo-s best friend, and that alone should give you reason to smile on your worst days. If not for you, do it for your dog&rsquo-s health.

(Photo by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

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