Wisconsin bans automatic euthanasia of dogs from fighting rings

So many times we have told you about dogs that were found and rescued in dog fighting rings that have been rehabilitated, trained and that have been able to spend time with humans. They are dogs that are so appreciative of love, and most of them are not even a little bit aggressive with other animals or with humans. They are easily trained to dogs that love humans- and all it takes is a little trust and a little love. So many of us mistakenly believe that dogs in fighting rings are automatically just aggressive and dangerous. They are not- they are just fighting to survive. They are intelligent animals that know if they don&rsquo-t do what their masters are making them do, they will be killed, tortured and worse. They do what they have to do to get by in hopes that life will get better.

In Wisconsin, however, dogs that are rescued from fighting rings were automatically killed by euthanasia thanks to a law in effect. These dogs were not given even a small second chance at life. They were automatically presumed dangerous and not worth saving- and they were killed. Thanks to this former law being overpassed, though, these dogs now get the second chance they deserve. It is now the 48th state in the US to overturn a law like this and make it possible for dogs held against their will in fighting rings to have the chance at life that they so deserve, and that&rsquo-s something worth celebrating.

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