63 Pit bulls from idaho dog-fighting compound arrive at the idaho humane society
By Cynthia Sewell — [email protected]idahostatesman.com
The Idaho Humane Society on Monday evening received 63 pit bull dogs from Oneida County in southeastern Idaho. The dogs are from an apparent dog-fighting compound on a property where a triple homicide occurred Thursday near Holbrook The animals are in very poor condition, according to the Humane Society. The majority of the dogs are underweight and suffer from malnutrition and many of the dogs have open lacerations and extensive scarring from old wounds. Others are suffering from skin, eye and ear ailments. A few dogs have old injuries of broken bones that were left untreated.
Despite their obvious neglect and poor treatment, Humane Society handlers found the majority of the dogs to be friendly and accepting of handling by people, said Hannah Parpart with the Humane Society. Further behavioral evaluations will be completed once the dogs&rsquo- more pressing medical needs have been addressed.
At this time, the Humane Society is not seeking foster homes for these dogs and there is no timeline available for when any of the dogs will be available for adoptive homes, but the shelter will let the public know when any of the dogs may be ready for adoption.
Donations for the dogs&rsquo- care, feeding and veterinary expenses can be made via the Idaho Humane Society website.
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