Operation delta dogs: rescued from suspected dog-fighting ring


Dog fighting is a horrible blood sport and is a felony in all 50 states due to animal cruelty laws. However, that doesn&rsquo-t stop people from doing them illegally, unfortunately. It happens all over the nation and are sadly unable to be stopped most of the time. Luckily, it&rsquo-s not a total lost cause – authorities are looking to crack down as much as they can. One town in Mississippi has been pretty successful, as Animal Rescue Corps that were working with the Humphreys County Sheriff&rsquo-s Office seized about a dozen canines from a property in Isola, Mississippi that was a suspected dog fighting operation.

In the video below, you are introduced to the Operation Delta Dogs. You get to see them rescue dogs from a suspected dog-fighting ring. These poor pups look like they could be vicious, but they are really just terrified canines who have most likely been abused. As the volunteers cut the chains from these dogs, you can literally see them shaking from fright. After they free the dogs, the medical team takes a look at them and gives them medical examinations in order to make sure the dogs are healthy enough to make the long trek to go to the emergency animal shelter. They also revealed what it is they look for when investigating a suspected dog-fighting ring: nooses or a rope with a kong and places used as a sparring ring. After rescuing the dogs, the crew makes certain the place is destroyed and can never do those things again. It has a happy ending too: all twelve dogs have been rescued and placed into makeshift shelters where the dogs can thrive.

Photo Source: YouTube

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