An incredible story about the power of communication between dogs and humans

Recently, a Texas dog named Hero showed the world the power of communication between canines and humans. His name suits him well because he is a real-life hero. He led the Dallas Dogrrr (Rescue, Rehab, Reform) rescuers to a mama dog and her ten puppies who are in dire need of help.

Hero, a stray dog, was often seen roaming around the neighborhood with another dog named Mona, says Marina Tarashevsce, a Dogrrr rescuer. On the night of the rescue, Hero was spotted alone and barked repeatedly at Marina.

The nature of Hero&rsquo-s barking made Marina think that something was wrong since she had never heard the pup barked that way before. So she decided to follow the pup together with John Miller, an animal behaviorist, and other rescuers. Hero barked continuously while leading the rescuers to a creek by the woods where they found 10 newborn puppies and its mom Mona, all of them were struggling to survive.

According to John Miller, every time they get closer to Hero, the pup would go away. It&rsquo-s like the pup is telling them to keep on following him and he will lead them the way. And when they got about half way to the trail they heard the puppies yelping.

In an interview with Fox News, Marina stated that she knew something was wrong when she saw the pup alone. She also suspected that Mona was pregnant.

Thanks to Hero&rsquo-s fast response and persistent barking, Mona and her ten puppies are now safe and sound at a foster home. Hero is also staying in the same foster home with them. All of the pups are doing well. After their recovery, all of them are going to be up for adoption.

Dogs don&rsquo-t have the capability to talk but they have their own ways to communicate with us, humans. In this case, Hero used persistent barking to get help for Mona and her puppies.

We are glad that the all of them are rescued safely. Hopefully, they will find a loving and forever home as soon as they recover. It would be nice to see Hero and Mona get adopted together by the same person or family because they&rsquo-ve been buddies for quite some time.

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