Hero saves woman and her dog from sinking car in raging flood waters

What&rsquo-s going on in Baton Rouge right now is horrible. The flood waters are inescapable and people are losing their homes, their lives and even their pets. It is in times like these that we are so thankful and so appreciative to those who are willing to go out of their way to help those in need, and those who are not able to help themselves. We know that not everyone can be that kind of person, but those who are make us feel good about humanity. People were working overtime to save those who were drowning in the horrible flood waters over the weekend, and one particular instance stood out to us. A woman and her dog were inside her car as it began to sink in the raging flood waters. She had no hope at that point in time until a man by the name of David saw her and came to her rescue.

He was able to pull her from the car and get her to safety on his boat when she began to cry and begged the man to save her dog. The dog was still in the car and she was worried that he would not survive the raging flood waters. She was likely correct as the water was sinking the car quite rapidly. The man was unsure whether or not to jump back into the flood waters for the dog, but he did it anyway and the dog and his owner are both safe and sound at this point. Someone managed to cat the entire thing on video, and we have it here for you to see. It&rsquo-s dramatic and not entirely easy to watch, but these are the people we feel so grateful for in times like this.

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