Abused dog is too afraid to trust humans

When a dog has been abused much of its life, it&rsquo-s not uncommon for the dog not to trust human beings. In fact, it&rsquo-s pretty common for the dog to become terrified of humans and not want anything to do with them. When a beautiful greyhound mix was brought into a shelter, it was obvious to shelter workers that this lovely dog had been abused. Not only did she have marks on her body to indicate she&rsquo-d been abused, she also had the mannerisms of a dog that was abused for much of her life. To avoid making any eye contact at all with humans, she stood in a corner in her kennel and faced the wall at all times. She never looked away from the corner, breaking the hearts of people around her. When she was placed in a home in hopes that a loving human would help her get over her distrust of humans, even that did not work.

It was not until the shelter decided to place another dog from the shelter with this dog they called Angel in hopes that she would relax that things began to look up for the dog. Angel finally began to relax around the presence of another dog. She began to see that the other dog trusted humans and had no problem with them, and she slowly began to trust humans again herself. Her story is not uncommon, but it is one that breaks our hearts every single day because of the abuse she suffered at the hands of a cruel human being.

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