Update on 19-year-old abused and deaf dog zorro
Zorro is a 19-year-old the abused and deaf dog. Trio Animal Foundation or (TAF) took the senior dog after authorities removed him from his abusive home on June 8 in Chicago, IL. Apparently, someone saw the poor canine being abused by its owners. Zorro was kicked many times and was even thrown out in the alley. When authorities came to take Zorro, his owners surrendered him. He was the brought to an emergency dog hospital vet for a checkup, where he spent 2 days to get the tests done. The vet determined that the senior pup is in good health aside from minor dental issues that comes with his age. Although he has dental issues he seems to not have any difficulty eating which is really good news. TAF then brought Zorro to their shelter. Zorro is a friendly Rat Terrier- great with people and other dogs as well.
TAF shared Zorro&rsquo-s story on their Facebook page and also informed their followers that the dog is up for adoption. The pup&rsquo-s story touched the hearts of many animal lovers. On Monday, the pup found his new forever home a few days after his story was shared online. TAF happily shared the news on their page and wrote: &ldquo-Guess what?...our little 19-year-old man was adopted!! His mom and new brother, Rufus, were very happy to meet him. She saw his photo and knew that she had the time, love and resources to help our sweet old guy. Zorro followed Rufus around and they seemed comfortable together.”
We are glad that Zorro found a new home right away. Now he will be able to live a happy life with his new pet mom and brother and will never have to worry about being uncomfortable and abused anymore. Thanks to his new family for giving Zorro a chance to spend the remaining days of his life happily. We would also like to say thank you to the staff of TAF and to all who helped rescue Zorro from his abusive owners. If you would like to help or learn more about Trio Animal Foundation, please visit their website at https://trioanimalfoundation.org/.
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