Florida woman wrestles alligator to save her puppy’s life
How far would you go to save your beloved dog? That&rsquo-s a question that Lori Beiswenger didn&rsquo-t have much time to think about. As she was gardening near the 6th hole of her family-owned golf course in Inverness, Florida, Lori heard a scream that couldn&rsquo-t be mistaken for anything else. It was her dog, Hope, struggling badly. Hope had been dragged into a nearby pond by a seven foot plus alligator.
&ldquo-I saw teeth and hair and gator.&rdquo- Beiswenger said. Unfortunately there was no one around to hear her cries, so Beiswenger ran into the pond to try and save her mutt. Lori became neck-deep in the water, pulled at the alligator&rsquo-s tail, and eventually the alligator set his sights on her. Let&rsquo-s just say that the alligator won&rsquo-t be in the pond anytime soon and that Lori is rocking some serious scars right now. Check out the entire story in the video below.
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L`homme combat un alligator pour sauver la vie de son chien
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