13 Little things i do because i have cats
I was just thinking about all the little things I do during the day because I have cats. I have no idea why I thought of this, but it’s true: We cat people do a lot of things we don’t even think about that people without cats don’t do.
Here’s a few of the things I do without even thinking, that I would miss tremendously and notice if for some reason I didn’t have to do them again:
1. As soon as the alarm goes off in the morning, I do a quick check for the cats. If one is missing from the bed, I call him over, pat the bed for him to lie down, and we hit the snooze.
2. I brush my teeth with Pimp on the bathroom counter. When I’m done, I leave the water on just a dribble so he can get his morning water from the faucet.
3. I leave the bathroom and meet Moo in the closet area, where he is always waiting. “Let’s go make coffee!” I say every single morning, and we both stumble off to the kitchen.
3. I put on my makeup with Moo on the bathroom counter. It’s his turn at this point of the morning, I guess.
4. I always give Pimp treats before I leave the house. If I forget, he runs to the door as I’m leaving, gives me puppy-dog eyes, meows, and darts in the kitchen. I follow, of course.
5. I make sure I see both Pimp and Moo before I go out the door and say goodbye to each of them individually.
6. I leave empty boxes lying around the house for months, because the cats like them. (There are three here right now, all different sizes.)
7. I never sit on the couch, or anywhere for that matter, alone. There is always a Moo or a Pimp on my lap, next to me or walking over me to sit down.
8. When I eat dinner, I give Pimp a little piece of almost everything (only stuff that isn’t bad for him, of course). He begs, has his nibble, then goes about his night.
9. I leave a piece of clothing on the floor all the time, because Moo likes to bring his toys to it. A shirt, pajama pants (those are his favorite), a pair of shorts … he loves to deliver his toys to my clothes.
10. I don’t hang ornaments near the bottom of my Christmas tree.
11. I make sure my legs are all extra-super-completely dry before I step out of the shower, where Moo is always waiting to rub cat hair on me. If there is any water at all still on me, the cat hair sticks like crazy!
12. I never leave a glass of water around. That’s just asking for a cat to stick his nose in there and knock the whole thing over.
13. Before going to sleep every night, I always say, “Who’s ready for bed?” and both Pimp and Moo come with me to the bedroom. Great way to end the day!
Is there anything you all do just because you have cats? Any little quirks in your routine that you notice you do every day just for them? Share in the comments!
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