Motherly collie takes on parenting a baby kitten

Collies are beautiful dogs that most everyone loves. Sure, they have that long hair that can be a bit of an issue from time to time, but they are very kind dogs. They&rsquo-re intelligent and sweet, and they have the most amazing maternal instinct. This beautiful dog was introduced to a new kitten about seven months ago, and it&rsquo-s been the most beautiful relationship since day one. When Molly the Collie was introduced to a new kitten, she immediately took an interest in the kitten. One cuddle session later and the two became the best of friends. For the past half a year, these two have been inseparable, and it&rsquo-s the most darling thing. This kitten was without a mother, and Molly knew that she could handle raising it on her own.

The kitten was meant to be the baby of the family for everyone, but Molly the Collie took right over and became the kitten&rsquo-s adopted mother through and through. She is the kitten&rsquo-s mother every single day, but she does love that the rest of the family loves the cat, too. This is just one of those stories that serves to remind us all that animals are lovers and that they will love anyone. They need not be from the same breed or same family- they just know when another animal needs a mother and they are not going to hesitate to stand up and take over that role. We are in love with Molly, and so is this kitten.

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