Stray cat and dog are the best of friends
When a man finds a cat and a dog around the same time, both abandoned, hungry and homeless, he decides to take them in. The dog is quite large in comparison to the tiny kitten, but the two really did something quite wonderful. They became the best of friends. These two are absolutely the best of friends in a world in which they are not supposed to even like one another. The good news is that they do. They grew up together. They came from similar backgrounds, and they are the best of friends as a result.
It is relationships like this that show the rest of us that it&rsquo-s all right to be friends even though you are different. There are those that don&rsquo-t believe that cats and dogs can see past their differences, but that is exactly what these two are doing. It&rsquo-s refreshing to see that these animals get it- they understand that there is no reason they cannot spend their time together, loving one another and being good friends. It&rsquo-s what life is all about- live and let live, and try to do as much loving as you can in between. These two have done just that, and it&rsquo-s beautiful.
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