Sheldon suffered a broken face, but now he has a playful smile!
I’d like you to meet Sheldon. If you scroll down, you’ll notice that Sheldon has a very particular smile.
I’m not sure what the details are, but apparently Sheldon’s jaw was broken in several places by some kids who had nothing better to do. I’m not clear if the injury was intentional or accidental, but the point is: Be kind to animals! While little kids definitely benefit from being around animals from an early age, it’s important to remember to supervise them and teach them how to treat their animal friends gently.
Either way, we’re happy that Sheldon was saved and was able to have his jaw repaired … even if it’s a little crooked. But that’s okay! Sheldon’s amazing face can convey a whole series of emotions. Watch Sheldon:
Do his best impression of a Miley Cyrus selfie
Give you his best “come hither” look
Look really shocked and appalled
The best ever Elvis Presley snarl
Look curiously concerned
Adorable little Sheldon now lives in the comfort of a loving forever home. He has a particular meow to accompany his particular grin, and it’s suspected this may be the result of damage he received to his voice box when he was injured. He also gets frequent infections because of the injuries to his jaw, but his human friends are vigilant and have him treated right away.
All photos come from Sheldon’s Facebook page, which you should join, and tell him that Catster sent you.
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About Liz Acosta: Catster’s former Cuteness Correspondent, Liz still manages the site’s daily “Awws,” only now she also wrangles Catster’s social media. That’s why she wants you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and — her personal favorite — Instagram. See ya there!
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