Cricket is the best $10 someone has ever spent at a pet store

We know, we know: Don’t buy animals from pet shops. Unless the pets are from a shelter, they’re usually from a mill or an irresponsible breeder, and buying animals from these places is what perpetuates mills.

But what if, like Cricket’s human friend, you walked into a pet shop for supplies or food for your other cats and a pitiful ball of ginger fur caught your eye? A little kitten, covered in fleas, eyes crusted with infection, and barely able to stand? What would you do? Even though Cricket’s human friend knows how detrimental it is to cats all over to buy one from a pet shop, she couldn’t leave the kitten to languish alone. So she spent her last ten dollars on the cat and took her home.

This was back in September, so little Cricket is barely a couple months old. Despite her condition, Cricket played in the cardboard box the pet shop sent her home in, batting at the flaps and yowling. Her human friend immediately whisked her off to the vet’s office and her fleas and eye infection are currently being treated. As for Cricket’s inability to stand, it turns out the kitten probably has Swimmer Kitten Syndrome, which has caused her to adopt a peculiar way of walking — hence her name Cricket.

Hopefully though, with therapy and dedication, Cricket may regain full mobility. For now we’re just glad she has a loving forever home.

All photos via Cricket’s Facebook page, which you should go check out. Say hi to Cricket on our behalf.

Read about other Monday Miracles on Catster:

About Liz Acosta: Catster’s former Cuteness Correspondent, Liz still manages the site’s daily “Awws,” only now she also wrangles Catster’s social media. That’s why she wants you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and — her personal favorite — Instagram. See ya there!

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