Watch this dog stare down his human during dinner

By nature, dogs are curious animals. There is nothing wrong with that, either- curiosity killed the cat, after all. This dog in this video is the most hilariously curious dog we&rsquo-ve seen in a while. As he sits on the opposite end of the couch with his human, he makes sure he has a front row view of dinner. His human, not eating at the table like his mother probably taught him to do growing up, is sitting on the opposite end of the couch enjoying what looks like Chinese takeout. The dog seems to wonder what he is eating, and why his human is not sharing any. He looks over, watches him eat and quickly turns away when he realizes that his human is looking at him.

The dog has perfected that look that says, &ldquo-What? Me? I wasn&rsquo-t doing anything wrong,&rdquo- as he looks away and pretends to be very interested in what is happening across the room. This goes on for a good thirty seconds, with the dog checking out dinner in a way that says he&rsquo-s begging for just a small taste without actually begging. The man never gives him any, but we still found it hilarious. The dog is trying so hard to get a little closer and a little more into dinner, but he is not willing to allow his human to even think for a second that&rsquo-s what he is trying to do. You have to watch this one to see how funny it really is.

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