Dogs argue like human siblings over who gets the couch

This very adorable subtitled video is simply hilarious. The two husky dogs both seem to want to sleep on the couch. But the one that is sitting on it doesn&rsquo-t want to share. As the pair argues, it is almost like watching two siblings fight. Their barks and howls seem to form words that are much like the English language. This is super funny to watch and the dog on the couch isn&rsquo-t going to move. As the video rolls on, you will also see that there is a chew toy lying on the couch. The dog on the floor seems to want to play with that as well, but the other dog refuses to give it to him.

The pair goes back and forth with words and their owner has been kind enough to subtitle the video, so that we can see what these two are saying. While we all know that dogs really can&rsquo-t talk, it seems that they are coming really close to doing so. Some of the things that come out of these dogs mouths is very funny. One can imagine that the pair are often at odds with one another and they probably fight over the couch a lot. You can bet that they argue over all kinds of things, but they really do seem to love each other despite their differences. But it seems that one dog is a bit jealous, that the other dog gets to enjoy the couch.

These two beautiful animals seem to share the same wants and needs as one another. But the dog sitting on the couch seems to be the alpha dog and is in total control over the situation. As you will see the alpha dog never does allow the other pooch to do what he wants. Instead, he just sits there like a king and argues his case. The dog seems to love his sibling, but isn&rsquo-t going to get off the couch for no one. So before you go, make sure to check out these two very funny dogs. You will be very surprised at just how human like these canines are acting.

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