Compilation of tiny dogs with huge personalities
In this very funny compilation you will find several very cute canines that think they are bigger than they actually are. These pooches really do have large personalities and watching them is really a treat. The first dog to grace the screen is pulling a very large semi-truck down a driveway. But the truth is there is in fact a person driving the truck making the dog think he is doing all of the work. This is very funny to watch and it will have you cracking up.
The second dog in the video is super small but that doesn&rsquo-t stop him from acting like a large attack dog. As you will see there is boy trying to play with the puppy but the small dog jumps on the boy and hangs onto him as if he is trying to bring him down. But the bog just walks around with the dog hanging off of him. Everyone is laughing in this cute video. The third dog in the clip also thinks he is a big guy. This pooch walks up to a much larger dog and starts to pick on him. Then what happens next is really funny. The small canine grabs the other dog by the tail and bites down hard. The bigger dog jumps up and starts to try and get the other dog off of his tail. But the small dog holds on and the larger dog swings the other animal into the air as they go round and round. This will have you laughing out loud!
The fourth dog is a tiny puppy that is barking at his mother and father through a glass door. The pup acts as if he is guarding the house and acts very aggressive. But the dog&rsquo-s tiny bark would not scare anyone. There are more cute dogs in this video, but you will have to check them out for yourself. So make sure before you leave to check out the video located below. If you have a dog lover in the family do them a favor and share this clip with them so they can enjoy it as well.
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