Driver saves dog abandoned in taped box
A few months ago we brought you the story of this chihuahua and Al Gaeta, the man who was driving along a Texas highway in the middle of the night when he saw a box on the side of the road. He stopped to pick up the trash, then realizing that the box was not empty, he thought that his coworkers might be able to use the box fan that was inside the labeled box. He tossed the box with the fan in it in the back of his truck and kept on driving until it was time to stop for gas. While his truck was being filled, he decided to open the box.
Inside the box was not a fan, but a tiny, terrified female chihuahua that someone had taped up inside the box and thrown onto the side of the road. Horrified and worried, Gaeta called the police and they came to take this dog into their custody. The story was shared everywhere, and someone recognized the terrified little dog and turned in his owner. A man named Jorge Camacho was taken into custody when it was reported to police that this little dog was his and that he is the one who abandoned it on the side of the road.
He&rsquo-s been arrested and is currently waiting to see a judge about his restitution and potential imprisonment for his heinous crime after he was charged with animal cruelty. He admitted to taping the dog inside the box and throwing it on the side of the road because he no longer wanted it. He could have surrendered the dog at a shelter, but he chose instead to throw her to the side of the road taped up in a box like trash – did we mention it&rsquo-s also illegal to litter in Texas, so Jorge will likely have to pay a fine for that on top of his punishment for his animal cruelty charges? Karma- that&rsquo-s what it&rsquo-s called.
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