Dog saves cat who was abandoned in a box

Let&rsquo-s ask a hypothetical question. Let&rsquo-s say you have a cat that you can no longer care for, for any given reason. You&rsquo-re no longer mobile, you have babies with severe allergies to cats that wreck their health, you have a desperate financial situation- you cannot care for your cat any longer and you are desperate. What do you do? I find that I would look for a new home for my cat. Provided I could not find a new home for my cat, I&rsquo-d take my cat to a no-kill shelter and surrender the cat. That&rsquo-s what I&rsquo-ve got when I think of that. You? I feel as if most of you might do the same.

Now, raise your hand if you think that a better option is to stick your cat in her career, put a note with her name and no other pertinent details on top of said carrier other than the fact that the cat is now homeless and needs a new home, and then stick the cat and carrier in the bushes at the local park. I did not think I&rsquo-d see many hands go up that time around. That&rsquo-s what someone did recently in London. Fortunately, when a dog named Maisie&rsquo-s owner was walking her, she sniffed out the cat in the bushes and saved her life. They took the cat home, fed and gave her water and then called the local shelter to turn her in. It&rsquo-s a horrible situation, and we are just beside ourselves that she might be in a situation like this for any reason.

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