This is what happens when an owner refuses to give up hope on their dog
After a dog owner came back home from his honeymoon, he found his best friend in a terrible state. While the man was away the dog had fallen ill from a condition called wobblers syndrome. An often fatal condition that is very debilitating for the animals because it causes them not to be able to walk. Dogs that have this condition will lie around and not be able to eat. Many dogs are put to sleep when they are diagnosed with this ailment. But the owner of this pooch was not going to give up on his pet.
The owner took his dog to the Vet and bad news was given to him. It seems that the dog was paralyzed in all four legs and that her condition was not expected to get any better. This really made the newlyweds sad and they didn&rsquo-t know what to do. But instead of putting the dog to sleep they agreed to try and give the dog a chance to fight the condition. This meant that the couple was going to have to hand feed the dog each and every day. As you will see in the video they have to feed the canine with a spoon and she is only able to eat small amounts at a time.
They make the dog as comfortable as possible and surround her with lots of blankets and pillows. As the video moves forward, one of the owners is tickling the dog&rsquo-s feet and the canine is actually able to start moving it, which makes everyone very happy! Then the dog was taken to a physical therapist where she would receive the help she needed to walk again. With lots of hard work the dog was going to slowly but surely start to get back on her feet. Towards the end of the video you can see the pooch walking around and she even gets to play at the beach. This amazing story would have never happened if her owners had not decided to give this super cute dog a shot at living. This is a very emotional story that will bring a smile to your face at the end.
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