What is dog paraphimosis and what can you do?

Paraphimosis may not be a term you recognize, but you may have seen the condition, which is when a dog&rsquo-s penis protrudes from the sheath, or prepuce, where it hibernates unless he becomes sexually excited, or is physically trying to mate. The condition has a few nicknames, one of which is &ldquo-red rocket,&rdquo- and another, &ldquo-third eye.&rdquo- This is obviously a medical condition that only affects male dogs and it is a dog&rsquo-s inability to be able to retract the penis properly. In other words, the penis may continue to look erect, or the flaccid penis is unable to successfully slide back into its sheath, so it continues to be exposed. This is a condition that can affect a dog of any age, and no matter the age, it has the potential of being a serious condition that causes a dog a lot of pain, and requires medical attention.

Causes of paraphimosis

Paraphimosis can develop due to a number of reasons, one of which is genetic. Another common cause is due to an injury or a fracture to the organ that causes the penis to be unable to retract properly. Even more common is when the hair around the base of the penis becomes so tangled that it forms a tight band that gets so tightly wound, it restricts t he penis from retracting the way it is supposed to. Other reasons might be, an infection, erectile dysfunction, tumors, or a cancerous condition, or perhaps a foreign object got into the sheath and blocked the penis&rsquo- ability to retract.

Symptoms of paraphimosis

Since we are speaking about the inability to retract the penis, an obvious symptom would be that you continually see the penis extended. More than that, a pup with this condition will typically always want to lick the area, and may have noticeable urine leakage. This can be irritating and painful for your dog and due to possible secondary infections arising, your dog should be seen and checked right away to get a proper diagnosis and allow treatment to begin.

Treatment of paraphimosis

When your veterinarian examines your dog, he will try to find the underlying cause of the condition, for instance, if it is a hair-related restriction, he will trim the hair, or if there is a bacterial infection that has caused the parpahimosis, he will start your pup on antibiotics. If your dog has any noticeable urine back-up due to the condition, the doctor may need to insert a catheter to help release the urine and give him relief. Sometimes, a cold-water compress or a solution known as dextrose solution, is recommended to be applied to the area on a scheduled routine for a period of time to help clear the problem up and offer relief. Some forms of treatment may require your dog be sedated so that he is comfortable and tolerates the procedure well. Treatment all boils down the cause of the problem, and your veterinarian will keep you well informed and reassure you that your pup is comfortable and well taken care of.

No matter what the reason was for developing parpaphimosis, trying to rectify the problem at home with home remedies or treatments of your own, is not recommended. This is a delicate area and a lot is at stake when you are dealing with the genitals and urinary system. If you don&rsquo-t treat it properly, you can leave your dog in more pain or cause further damage, and risk further issues that may be harder to treat. It&rsquo-s always best to have your dog seen by a doctor to have a serious medical condition treated.

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