Spend $73,000 on world’s most spectacular dog vacation
Everyone has faced the problem of not knowing what to do with their pets when it&rsquo-s time for a family vacation. Some take their pets along with them but many leave them at the kennel or with friends or family. In conjunction with the Paw Seasons luxury dog hotel in Bristol, England, VeryFirstTo.com, a company specializing in one-of-a-kind luxury experiences, has unveiled the &ldquo-Most Spectacular Luxury Dog Holiday&rdquo- package for one — and only one — very pampered pup.
Besides luxury accommodations, the package includes surfing lessons, reiki sessions, grooming at Harrod&rsquo-s, a luxury wardrobe and more. So who is the target customer?
&ldquo-It&rsquo-ll definitely be an individual or couple who enjoy an extravagant lifestyle. While they go off to the Caribbean they want their pet to have an equally enjoyable, extravagant stay where they are,&rdquo- Knobil said. &ldquo-It&rsquo-s for those who enjoy the finer things in life and have a sense of humor. They have a soft spot for their dog and want them to have the best time possible.”
What is the price tag for this amazing getaway for your dog? $73,000. Have fun saving up for that trip! So far there have been no takers but apparently $10,000 of the trip goes to charity.
According to ABC:
Highlights of the Spectacular Luxury Dog Holiday include:
Chauffeured ride for the dog by the Paw Season&rsquo-s hotel driver
Suite, including a screen showing dog favorites (&ldquo-Lassie,&rdquo- &ldquo-101 Dalmatians&rdquo-) accompanied by dog-friendly popcorn
Bespoke crafted doghouse replicating the dog&rsquo-s own home by Bespoke Impact
Personal chef – responsible for a daily menu consisting of doggy favorites
Local beach and countryside walks with Billy + Margot ice cream (suitable for vegetarian dogs) and games
Running session with 400m hurdles World Champion Dai Greene
Surfing lesson courtesy of Surf South West
Day with author and TV dog behavior expert Stan Rawlinson, the &ldquo-Doglistener”
Reiki sessions with practitioner Rob Fellow (Master Teacher Member of the U.K. Reiki Federation)
Grooming at the Pet Spa at Harrods, including aromatherapy bath and body message- wash and fluff dry, and pedicure
Luxury wardrobe, including Louis Vuitton collar- Bottega Veneta lead and Mulberry rain coat
Solid bronze car mascot of the dog as well as a portrait by artist Jo Chambers the dog&rsquo-s owners
Updates throughout holiday via Facebook and YouTube
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