Product review: bayer seresto flea and tick collar for dogs

Fleas and ticks have always been one of the biggest challenges for pets and pet owners. Every year, fleas and ticks make their appearance and the battle to control them begins for dog owners, especially for those who own an outdoor dog. Fleas and ticks are not only annoying for your dog, but they are quite a nuisance for dog owners, too. Fleas can cause severe itching and skin irritation for your dog, while ticks can cause illnesses if left to linger in the skin. Fleas affect humans too. They can get into your home and invade carpets and furniture and create the same skin problems for you as your dog. It&rsquo-s always best, and easiest to prevent the onset of flea and tick invasions before they happen as opposed to trying to control them, and get rid of them after they invade your dog and home. Pet companies know that flea and ticks are annoying and even harmful to your dog and have come up with all kinds of products to help dog owners to treat and control them. One of the most common ways to control fleas has always been with a flea collar. Flea and tick collars come in a variety of price ranges, and lengths of time for protection. Some work better than others, but one flea collar that has taken the pet market by storm, is the Seresto flea and tick collar, and it is getting rave reviews by dog owners, and veterinarians, alike.

Seresto flea and tick collar is a non-greasy and odorless collar that will give your dog eight months of protection against these infestations. Unlike many flea and tick products, this collar is easy to use, it isn&rsquo-t messy or potentially harmful to your dog. It simply wraps around your dog&rsquo-s neck like any collar, and can be clamped closed at different sizes to fit your dog&rsquo-s neck size.

Seresto flea and tick collar not only prevents fleas and ticks from invading your pet, but it treats flea and tick infestations that may already exist. One thing that Seresto also offers that many other flea and tick products don&rsquo-t, is that it treats and manages sarcoptic mange, and kills lice. This added bonus is helpful for many dogs and convenient for dog owners. The ingredients that get rid of and repel fleas and ticks are within the collar itself. They are slowly released in low concentrations over time, and as the active ingredients begin to wear off your dog over time, they are replenished on your dog&rsquo-s skin and in his coat, to keep the level of protection up at all times until it&rsquo-s time to replace it.

Dog owners who have active, outdoor dogs who love to get wet, love this product. The collar is water resistant, which means you don&rsquo-t have to worry about your dog jumping into a lake or getting wet in the rain and having it lose it&rsquo-s effectiveness. Your dog can even bathe in the collar and it will continue to work as it should. It is also not affected by too much, or direct sunlight, or sweating.

Not all dogs are easy or agreeable to having ointments put on the back of their necks, or having to swallow a pill. And not all dog owners enjoy having to go through these treatments, or even having to remember to do the treatment every month. So for all the dog owners who prefer an easier flea and tick treatment, this is a very convenient way to control the biggest problem for dogs, plus, it works so well, and lasts so long – a full eight month&rsquo-s worth of protection.

Not only are dog owners raving about the Seresto flea and tick collar, but veterinarians are loving this collar as well, and they are recommending it to their patients&rsquo- owners. They know the importance of dogs having a good flea and tick prevention method, and with all the products on the market to choose from today, this is one of the top recommended products for dog owners.

One thing you should keep in mind is that for dogs who typically swim at least once a month, the effectiveness of the collar&rsquo-s duration is shortened from eight full months, down to five, and the effectiveness for tick control is shortened down to seven months.

You can spend a lot of money on six month&rsquo-s supply of topical ointments and flea and tick control oral medications for your dog, but now you don&rsquo-t have to. The Seresto flea and tick collar for dogs is very cost effective. You will pay less for this flea and tick treatment and prevention than you would for medications that you have to administer every three-to six months, and you&rsquo-ll eliminate the worry of forgetting to give it to your dog on time, too. You can get a closer look at this dog collar on and see what all the rave is about before you order yours for your dog.

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