It’s shark week: we celebrate with cats dressed as sharks

The other day, a friend emailed me a link that was prefaced with the description “cat found in stomach of shark.” As I was eating ceviche for lunch at the time, I held off clicking the link in the interests of taste. When I did muster up the stomach to follow through, this is what popped up:

With that I finished my meal happily. Then I went off and searched around for other images of cats dressed as sharks. And then I realized that Shark Week is on the near horizon. (There is an online countdown over here, should you be of an impatient disposition.) Naturally then, here’s a gallery of that most wonderful thing that is the fusion of charismatic cats and shark attire.

Who’s more surprised here, the shark or the cat? Bonus points for both agreeing to a matching color scheme.

Classic cat-nap tactics — no one will ever disturb you when you’re safely nestled up inside the belly of a great white.

The sheer incontestable greatness of this outfit comes from the velcro chin-strap. Remember, it’s always the details that count when you’re squeezing into an ill-fitting shark suit.

The only plan here is to kill you with cuteness.

A woolen fin is always the dignified way to go when celebrating Shark Week in a reserved and stately manner.

When knitted shark suits become feline Snuggies.

This chirpy cat looks way too pleased with the way he’s finagled his way inside of a shark costume.

And finally, let’s all reacquaint ourselves with the most infamous cat-shark escapade of all.

Laugh with us:

About Phillip Mlynar: The self-appointed world’s foremost expert on rappers’ cats. When not penning posts on rap music, he can be found building DIY cat towers for his adopted domestic shorthair, Mimosa, and collecting Le Creuset cookware (in red). He has also invented cat sushi, but it’s not quite what you think it is.

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