Vote against cruelty
ASCPA Vote Against Cruelty Campaign
The ASPCA is having a Vote Against Cruelty Campaign. They are trying to get as many votes as possible before Election Day.
Whether you want Mittens or Rowdy for President this is a vote you’ll want to cast. The ASPCA is having a Vote Against Cruelty campaign, they are trying to get as many votes as possible before election day.
Stop by their site and you can check out the candidates and see where they stand. Read what Rowdy the dog has to bark about or Mittens the cat is meowing about. Click on the map, see how many signatures the Vote Against Cruelty petition has received in your state has.
Most important, have fun and then pass this on to everyone you know. The more signatures they have the harder it will be for lawmakers to ignore the cat (and dog) lovers of America. Take a stand, lend a paw for change.
by Horst Hoefinger–Author, For the Love of Dog Blog
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