Dog walks away from bowl to eat and comes back for more

There is not much that makes a dog leave his or her bowl to go and eat, but sometimes dogs have to do just that. There are things that require their attention, and they would be wrong to ignore those things. Perhaps a dog is done. Perhaps the dog&rsquo-s bowl is not located in a desirable location in the home. Dogs have some serious issues when it comes to eating- and the biggest issue is that they always want to eat. They want all the food, and they want it now. But this dog in this video is the funniest eater you will ever encounter. This dog is going to make you laugh.

This dog has a strategy for eating that will very likely make you laugh out loud. This dog goes for it all the way- throwing in a meal with exercise all in one. This dog grabs a mouthful of food. Then he pounces away from his bowl, across the house and lies down somewhere comfortable so that he can enjoy it as he chews. And then he eats. And then he gets back up and heads back to his bowl to repeat the entire process. We like his calorie-burning meal plan, though. We might try that at home.

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