Feline distempertransmission of the deadly parvovirus
Feline Distemper is known by many names.
The medical term for it is Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV), but it is also known as Feline Parvovirus and Feline Infectious Enteritis.
Feline panleukopenia is a highly infectious (or contagious disease).
It is caused by the parvovirus,which is an exceptionally hardy virus that is able to survive outsidethe body in the environment for a year or more and this is anotherreason why it is such a killer disease.
The feline parvovirus isexceptionally resistant to many disinfectants and even heat, so onceyour home, garden or cattery is contaminated, it is very difficult toeliminate.
Thebad news about feline infectious enteritis is that the mortality rateis high and there is no specific treatment for the disease.
The goodnews is that it is a preventable disease.
Feline distemper is a feline disease that has no boundaries - it isfound worldwide.
Most responsible cat owners do vaccinatetheir cats. Reputable cat breeders vaccinate all their kittens prior tohoming them.
So whilst this killer disease may be less prevalent than itwas a years ago, cats in rescue shelters, cats from backyard breeders, kittens under 16 weeksand feral cats are still prone to this disease.
Feline parvovirus is not only found in domestic cats, wildcats like the leopard, lion, cheetah and tigers are also subject to thisdeadly disease.
The virus is found in the feces (stools), saliva,urine, blood and vomit of cats that are infected with this felinedisease.
As previously mentioned, it is a very tough virus that is ableto survive in the environment for a long time.
This means, that any unvaccinated cat that comes intodirect contact with an infected cat or the bodily fluids from aninfected cat, will become infected with the feline distemper virus.
Feeding and water dishes, bedding, cat toys, furniture and thegeneral environment all pose a threat if they have been contaminatedwith urine, feces, mucus, blood or vomit from an infected cat.
Humanswho are in contact with infected cats will also transfer the virus ontheir shoes, clothes and hands and thereby contaminate or infect healthycats.
No, humans cannot catch FPV from animals - it is not a zoonotic disease.
Sadly, FPV does cross the placental barrier, which means that apregnant queen will transfer the virus to her unborn kittens.
Experts seem divided on whether cats are "carriers" of the FPV virus.
What can be confirmed is that infected cats shed the virus for at least4 - 6 weeks, making them "temporary carriers" and therefore highlycontagious.
Early diagnosis by a veterinarian is critical if the cat or kitten has any chance of survival.
The veterinarian will take a medical history from the cat owner. Atthis stage it is important to provide the vet with an accurate accountof all the signs which could potentially be feline distemper symptoms.
Afull physical examination will be conducted and blood and fecal sampleswill be taken for laboratory analysis.
The results of these tests willeither confirm or exclude feline infectious enteritis.
The blood sample will show the presence of antibodies or parvovirus.The blood sample will also exhibit a low leukocyte count - leukocytesare white blood cells that defend the body against invading infectiousdiseases.
Once a diagnosis is is made, the vet will proceed with treatment.
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