New, improved catster site news & updates!
New And Improved Catster Site News & Updates!
Meow meow!
The Catster Site News and Updates blog was one of the first features to go live after the site launched in and it’s performed amazingly well.
But we need better! So we have relaunched it with many improved features you can enjoy.
The new direct URL is
- Comment on any entry
- Much better search
- Page titles that describe the content
- Multiple ways to go through the archives
- Links to other blogs
Let us know what you think! Leave a comment in this entry!
ALSO: for anyone reading this in an RSS reader, it means that your reader has automatically found our new feed URL. If anyone else that was getting a feed, but not seeing new entries in their feed reader please update the URL to
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux:
Rappel: nous lançons le magazine catster la semaine prochaine!
How does a cat mom prepare for a natural disaster?
Meowing out to all bay area, sacramento, and wine country catsters
Win a kitty bathroom prize pack from imperial cat
10 Cat-themed valentine’s gifts for the whole family
Wow! Colonel meow’s minions have raised $20,000 for vet bills
Purina one dog food reviews (updates 2018: pros, cons, recalls)
Grande nouvelle: nous lançons le magazine catster ce mois-ci!
This week’s monday miracle is at the center of a celebrikitty scandal
Giveaway: “power to the pawpulace” cats against clay tee
Guys, my uncle sucks at cat photography, so i made you a video instead!
Why i ask my kids to read to my cats
Vending machine takes in bottles and feeds stray dogs in exchange
Guess what? We found your christmas morning soundtrack and it features cats
Not traveling with your cat: fluffy’s staycation
Can cats eat tuna?
Too chicken for a real cat tat? We’re giving away some furrocious fake ones!
This is what happens when an owner refuses to give up hope on their dog
Update on 19-year-old abused and deaf dog zorro
#Sunday selfie: update on our time apart
Cute alert: watch this livestream of a mom cat nursing her kittens