Win supercat plush toys with catnip spray
Does your cat insist on using only the latest and greatest tech? SuperCat plush toys and catnip spray from Quaker Pet Group fit the bill, and we have five prize packs of the products to give away!
The non-toxic, non-staining spray features Nano-Burst technology, which releases catnip scent every time your kitty rubs, scratches, or buffs against it. Simply apply the spray to the toy for up to six weeks of contact high.
Each prize pack features one bottle of the spray and two plush toys, with Gators, Dinos, Yetis, and Birdz among the characters.
How to Enter
- Create a Disqus account, if you haven’t already, and include a valid email. It takes just a minute and allows you to better participate in Catster’s community of people who are passionate about cats. If you already have a Disqus account, check it to ensure the account includes a valid email.
- Comment below using your Disqus account, telling us about your cat’s love of technology. Does she insist on helping you at the computer? Or does he love napping on your printer? Bonus points for photos! Our favorite photo/comment wins. You must be a U.S. resident to score this prize.
- Check your email for a “You’ve Won!” message from us after noon PST on Thursday, Aug. 21. We’ll give the winner two days to respond before moving on to our next favorite.
Good luck!
Learn more about your cat with Catster:
- I’m Willing to Bet That Your Cat Hates Her Litter Box — Here’s Why
- Weird Cat Facts: 8 Reasons Your Cat Likes to Lick You
- Our Best Tips for Getting Your Cat to Let You Sleep
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