Kitteh!! Is the cat-picture generator of our dreams

Cat pictures. They’re everywhere. It’s sometimes overwhelming. Why don’t you take a look at KITTEH!!, which harvests all the Instagram photos of cats and puts them in one convenient place, neat and tidy.

Way back when, the Egyptians were drawing hieroglyphics of cats on their walls, worshipping them as nimble gods who save crops from ruin by mice. Cats could walk on silent paws, stalking closer and closer to their prey as if creeping through another world. Efficient hunters, cats cleared the vermin who not only ate their food, but harbored disease. No wonder the Egyptians elevated cats to gods.

These days we don’t need cats to protect our stores of grain (though they will still hunt and kill with wild skill), but we still worship them. Oh sure, they’re not outright gods, but as our writer Michael Leaverton has pointed out, we still live in their service — simply consider the way we bend to their hunger and early morning meowing.

The Internet is littered with photos of cats. This very site hosts quite a few of them. We even asked you to send in photos of cat butts. That’s how godlike they are — even their behinds are sacred.

With so many photos of cats on the Internet, one can feel a little overwhelmed. But thanks to KITTEH!!, you can click through random Instagram photos of cats to your heart’s content. Go on, try it. Don’t be shy. Click here.

Images via KITTEH!!

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