Best indoor dog potty reviews – (2018’s top 5 picks)


Pick #2 - Fresh Patch Disposable Dog Potty with REAL Grass


A Better Alternative For Many

As for the use of something like pee pads for dogs, not all dog owners find it easy to have their dogs properly trained to use these pads properly, and many often find that they"re spending way much more time and effort on this process than they should be.

Now don"t get me wrong, I"m not saying that pee pads for dogs don"t work. On the contrary, many dog owners will tell you that pee pads for dogs are the best thing that has ever happened to them.

It"s just that pee pads for dogs aren"t exactly "everyone"s cup of tea", and some dog owners often look for alternatives, a situation where an indoor dog potty can be a life saver.

The Advantage Of Grass In Indoor Dog Potties

As you may have noticed in the list of the best indoor dog potties above, all of the options use grass as part of their overall design.

Whether it"s real grown, authentic grass we"re talking about or artificial grass, the best indoor dog potties will make use of some form of grass as its overall design.

If you"re anything like me when I first came across these products a few years back, you may be asking yourself what"s the purpose behind having grass as a feature in indoor dog potties.

Well, for one, this is incredibly beneficial if you"ve trained your dog to go outside the house and eliminate in a specific "potty" designated area which is filled with grass. This way, the overall "scenery" will stay the same for your dog and they won"t be getting mixed signals.

Many dogs often get frightened when they"re faced with a new scenery where they have to "do their thing" on, but when you"re offering them to do what they have to do on the same grass looking area that they"re used to "go potty" on in your backyard, then your job just got a whole lot easier.

Artificial Grass VS Real Grass

When it comes to indoor dog potties that make use of artificial grass or real grass, those that make use of real grass will almost always be higher quality products for you to use as a dog owner.

If you plan to have your dog urinating on a box with artificial grass on it inside your house, you have to be prepared for some major nasty odors that will make themselves very apparent.

And, to get rid of this nasty odor that"s going to really fill up the area real fast, you have to clean the unit very frequently - a task that can very quickly get tedious for many dog owners.

This is a problem that you won"t face if you choose to go with an indoor dog potty that makes use of real grass, as the real grass will absorb your dog"s urine and get rid of any smell almost instantly.

A Note About Adequate Space

If you have a dog at home (or even a few dogs) that are relatively larger in size than average, you may find that some indoor dog potties are a little bit lacking in space to support these larger sized dogs.

If that"s you, don"t despair, as one very cool trick you can do is put multiple of these boxes right next to one another to form a very spacious "grass area" for your dog to do their thing in.

These larger grass areas formed by multiple boxes right next to one another really make it easier for your dog to take to this space as their new "potty place" a whole lot faster, too.

In most cases, you won"t need to put more than 2 boxes next to one another in order to create adequate space for larger sized dogs.

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