10 Cats who obviously hate me
Why do all cats hate me? Okay, I’m exaggerating. One cat hates me. He is my roommate’s cat. I won’t name names, but here he is, with his little golden eyes of hatred.
I actually like cats. One time I broke up with a dude just because he was allergic to cats, and I was like, “My dream is to have two cats! I pick cats over you!” Despite my sacrifice, cats don’t seem to like me. Here are 10 cats giving a mean side eye.
What? Oh, I’m sorry, am I blocking your favorite sun puddle?
Mulling it Over" />
Stop making that stink face. It was you who just dropped a number two in the litter box.
michael_baltic" />
You’re mad at me cause you just yakked on the rug!?
RedJinn: World Peace: What are you doing about it?" />
This cat is actually cool — I just like this photo. This cat and I could probably be friends.
timoni" />
Stop loafing, you’re not bread.
Maia C" />
Don’t peer down your nose at me! I have thumbs! Oh wait, you do, too? Never mind …
invisible monsters" />
Don’t you swat at me!
quinn.anya" />
What? I’m cold, okay? You’re deeply ensconced in a nice fur coat. I’ve got nothing but this pile of blankets!
Arria Belli" />
No, those toys aren’t for you. Surprise — the world doesn’t revolve around you.
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation"" />
I just thought this cat looked cool.
Max Moreau" />
Do you know a little sourpuss? Post a photo of your own grumpy cat below by clicking on the “Select Photos” button below:
Check out some other moody felines on Catster:
- Grumpy Cats: It’s the New Thing on the Internet
- Video We Love: Henri’s Paw de Deux Further Laments the Anguished Life of the House Cat
- Catster Interviews Colonel Meow — and Emerges Unscathed
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