Boy raises money to buy his dog a wheelchair


There aren&rsquo-t too many eight-year-olds like Ryder McConothy out there but it&rsquo-s kids like this that put a smile on your face. Ryder, like many kids holds his dog Casious very close to his heart. In fact he considers the dog to be like a brother of his. So when Casious, a boxer dog, fell down a flight of stairs and was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, Ryder decided to do something about it.

Ryder decided to hold a fundraiser in order to buy his dog a wheelchair. He managed to raise $315 by selling magnets and Lego key chains. With the money he bought the wheelchair that would enable Casious to &ldquo-run&rdquo- again. And to top it all off Ryder donated the left over money to the Humane Society.

What an amazing kid. If you have any great stories please submit them to us!

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