The daily gruff: helping the lost, a book of stamps, please!, adorable bulldogs, seatbelts, seniors, and a pretty little penny!
Do you ever look at a dog and think to yourself, &ldquo-wow that name really fits that dog!&rdquo- This is exactly how I felt when I saw this beautiful Labrador names, &ldquo-Penny&rdquo-. Penny is seven months old and loves snow, her family, and her &ldquo-friends&rdquo-. Who are your special friends? Horses! Come and look at more beautiful photos of little Penny!
The Links
Ear Issues With Dogs [Pet Place]
Hello To Save A Lost Dog [Daily Puppy]
One Of The Most Amazing Dogs EVER! [Cutetoob]
Dogs Finally Make It To Postage Stamps! [Dogster]
Wolly Bully! [Puppytoob]
Exercising Senior Dogs [Caesar&rsquo-s Way]
Seatbelts For Dogs [All Things Dog Blog]
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